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Мое тело, мои права, наша свобода: объединение прав на сексуальное и репродуктивное здоровье и ЛГБТИК-движений 

Envisioning a Digital Feminist Space_ The Role of Gender Equality in Technology and Innova

Прогресс в области прав ЛГБТИК и более широких прав на сексуальное и репродуктивное здоровье во многом пересекается. Как было подчеркнуто на Найробийском саммите, права на сексуальное и репродуктивное здоровье, в том числе дальнейшие действия по борьбе с ВИЧ / СПИДом, являются ключевой частью Целей в области устойчивого развития с целенаправленными действиями к 2030 году. В частности, молодые люди могут столкнуться с множеством пересекающихся препятствий на пути к сексуальному и репродуктивному здоровью. информация о здоровье и услуги, связанные с возрастом, а также инвалидностью, гендерным разнообразием, сексуальной ориентацией и этнической принадлежностью, среди прочего. На этом заседании квир-молодежных диалогов будут обсуждены выводы последнего отчета комитета ICPD25, особенно по вопросам, касающимся молодежи и ЛГБТИК. Мы также услышим выступления молодых людей, которые работают на стыке ЛГБТИК и СРЗП, чтобы узнать о проблемах и передовых методах их работы на местах.

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Proposed recommendations:

Recognizing that an intergenerational and multistakeholder approach is needed to develop and ensure safer online feminist platforms, some of the recommendations put forward by attendees included: 

  • Creating formal and informal spaces to develop digital literacy skills. 

  • Including Information Communication and Technology (ICT) and digital literacy skills in educational curriculums across age and ability levels. 

  • Localizing digitized solutions through country, regional and global processes. 

  • Enhancing partnerships and collaborations between government, young people, and technology corporations to ensure inclusivity, equity, and accessibility for all. 

  • Developing clearly defined, and regularly reviewed, accountability measures for various stakeholders to ensure stakeholders take full responsibility for their actions and to safeguard the digital space for all users. 

  • Holding intergenerational dialogues to advance digital literacy and its intersections inclusive of the LGBTQI+ community, persons living with disabilities, young people, women and girls. 

  • Leveraging the benefits of technology to advance gender equality. 

  • Rethinking reliance on specific digital media spaces, and the possible monopolies they might have over “new public spheres” (i.e., civic conversations or feminist organizing).


Workshop participants agreed that digital safety is a responsibility that lies within all active digital citizens. However, many noted the importance of also urging governments, along with technology corporations and other stakeholders within the digital space to take more responsibility to enact feminist approaches to digital and privacy laws to ensure safeguarding and equal participation for all within the digital society - of particular concern among participants the rise of algorithmic and AI assisted tools which limit civil liberties. 

In conclusion, the speakers reiterated the need for young people to not only be heard but for their feedback and recommendations to be implemented. This can be done by actively engaging young people right from the conceptualization stage through to the development and implementation of decisions. The amplification and uplifting of young voices are vital to creating a safe online feminist intersectional space.

Looking forward 

Considering the session was the first youth consultation to be held in the lead-up to CSW67, the recommendations shared by attendees will directly feed into the Global Youth and Adolescent Recommendations which will be shared with Member States ahead of the negotiations on the Agreed Conclusions for CSW67. The recommendations will also be used as an advocacy tool by young people in their engagement before and during CSW at country and regional levels to ensure their voices are heard throughout different consultative and negotiation processes.

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